

1. 情報資産について、その機密性、完全性および可用性を維持するため、情報セキュリティに関連する法令を遵守し、また社内規程類を定めて適正に取り扱います。

2. 情報セキュリティ管理を分掌する組織および責任者を設置して、情報資産の利用、保管ならびに提供に際しての紛失、漏洩、改竄、破壊および不正アクセス等の予防に努めます。

3. 災害等の緊急事態における対応手順および体制等を定め、事業および情報セキュリティに及ぼす影響を極小化すべく備えます。

4. すべての役員および従業員等に対し、情報セキュリティに関する教育を徹底し、その重要性を十分に認識させます。業務委託先に対しては、私たちと同水準の情報セキュリティ管理を要請し、その維持を図ります。

5. 関連法令の改正、社会的環境の変化および事業内容の変更等に適切に対応するため、情報セキュリティ管理に関する評価および見直しを継続的に行い、その維持および改善を実施します。


- ISO/IEC 27001:2013 / JIS Q 27001:2014
認証登録番号IS 87953
〒150-6033 東京都渋谷区恵比寿4丁目20番3号

Information Security Policy

In order to contribute to the new digital age as a trustworthy company, Platform One Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") had established and strictly comply with basic information security policies (hereinafter referred to as the "Information Security Policy") to govern the appropriate protection and handling of information assets.

1. We comply with laws and regulations and establish in-house rules based on Information Security Policy in order to protect confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets.

2. We set up an information security management organization as well as assign the risk management officer that take appropriate measures for prevention of illegal access to information assets and protect them against the loss, leakage, falsification, and destruction.

3. We build up a highly secured information security management structure in case of unforeseen events beyond our control such as natural disasters in order to minimize the adverse effect on our business and information security.

4. We ensure that all the management executives, employees, and all staff of the Company are given security education/training and that all people engaged in our information assets perform activities with the information security literacy. Also we request outsourcing agents to keep a security level which is the same or more than that of the Company.

5. In response to the revision of laws and regulations, changes of business scope, and other changes of social trends, we will continuously examine and evaluate the Company‘s management system of information security in order to maintain and improve the system.

